To forgive someone who has hurt you is one of the most powerful acts of love you can participate in. We are constantly told by preachers and teachers of every religion, color and creed that forgiveness is the one quality that brings us closest to God. We are reminded to turn the other cheek when we feel slighted, to love our enemies and forgive our brothers 70x7. These are all true statements. It is amazingly liberating to truly forgive a person who has hurt you. Forgiveness gives you the freedom to move past the pain and bless a situation. When we forgive, fully, we get to appreciate the real reason behind the bad feelings...we get to the lesson. Forgiveness helps us no longer see things as happening TO us but happening FOR us. And that truly makes all the difference. These are all the benefits of forgiving others, but what about forgiving ourselves? Do we really need to forgive ourselves? I would definitely say that to move forward and create the life, relationship, family- just about anything you want- YES, you have to first remember your responsibility to yourself and then forgive yourself for ever forgetting.

      Greetings my beloved sistren! My hope is that your days are going along miraculously. :)
     So, last week I shared that I've started a 6 week 'womb cleanse'. This is week 2. I've been keeping my feet up as much as possible...for a housewife with 2 babies, an energetic puppy- and "that house" on the block where all the kids gather. Needless to say, taking time out to heal mySELF is easier said than done. I know all my busy 'mamas' can relate! 
     That being said, spending some time healing ourselves is essential if we want to continue to heal our families. More important, if we want to heal our NATION. Not to say that we are the cause of the problems in our community, but we do share in responsibility. It is hard to believe but miraculous to see the way a healing Womb-man can bring the best and most beautiful love out of some of the 'hardest' brothas; and grow 'goodness' in some of the most hard-headed youths. Needless to say, the healing we must go through has to be from the inside out. All the herbs, and healthy diets will mean nothing if we neglect to address the mental and spiritual roots of our issues as women, right? In the past I would see sisters in my neighborhood, in the grocery store, salon, etc....ANGRY, I mean angry as HELL! & I always wondered, "what is HER problem"?! Not realizing that the lip poked out, eyes rolling, cussin and fussin attitude was not only 'her' problem, but mine too! See, I had the external appearance of a well put together young woman. I ate well, spoke well, and appeared happy and 'positive'. But internally, WHOO! I was a reflection of the anger, hurt, and frustration I saw on my sisters' faces. When I realized this, the emphasis switched to the "WHAT" of it all. On the surface we can say "oh nothing" we've got our own homes, cars, jobs...so-called 'equality'. But when you really look at it, what has that equality given us? Less men in the household, rebellious children, annoying bosses...I could go on forever. Hardly an even trade! I'm not saying we all should be barefoot in the kitchen, but alot more of us were happier being Suzy homemaker than being Madam CEO. We could let our men be men, our children be children, and we could focus on being WOMEN..strong, powerful WOMEN! We birthed, educated, healed and raised nations of kings, queens, warriors, and leaders. Now THAT, ladies, is super power! There is no place greater for a woman than standing firm in her full power. This is not to say that you can't be powerful in an office...but imagine that power multiplied and added to your OWN! 
This internal healing can be likened to the changing of a butterfly...the old us enters the 'cocoon'. A period of incubation, 'me-time', if you will. Not a week away from a toxic relationship, or ladies night with the girls. This time is different. It's a time of asking "why?". Not "why did he..?" or "why would she..?", but "why do I..?". But before we ask why we must admit "that". "That" there is an issue or many issues and (once we've crossed de-Nile), accept full responsibility for whatever is found out. This is difficult at first, because we all want to believe that our problems are caused by others. We seldom admit our own roles in causing our own misery. See, we all have that one friend with the worst man problems and we all ask, "why can't she just let him go?"...We all understand that SHE holds the key to ending her misery. He would not be a problem, if She would not hold on. Well sis, You are Her and the Issue is Him! Once we get that part, it becomes easy. Clarity is found and solutions flow freely! It's uncomfortable, self correction always is, metamorphosis is never pleasant...but we'd have no flowers, and we'd have no butterflies if the problem of getting through the dirt was never solved. And let me tell you...there is nothing that feels better than finally SOLVING those problems. It's like dropping a thousand pound weight. Not only will you feel better spiritually, you will begin to heal physically and even LOOK better! Nothing's more attractive than a baggage-free woman! (note: our children are NOT baggage!)
     So ladies, let's get about the business of healing ourselves. Of digging up all the old, rotten roots and planting new, living things inside ourselves. Let's create space within ourselves to laugh, cry, create, express(in healthy ways), and flourish. Our only obstacle is  Old Ms. Nega-Diva that lives inside all of us. You know, home-girl who's answer to everything is "OH NO SHE/HE DIDN'T"...we gotta shut her up, or she WILL have us stuck out!

Many Blessings.